Evaluasi Kualitas Dan Kesuksesan Implementasi Layanan Akademik Mahasiswa Membangun Desa Universitas Brawijaya Berdasarkan Teori Technology Acceptance Model Dan Delone And Mclean’s Model
Kata Kunci:
MMD, TAM, DeLone and McLean's Model, Kualitas, KesuksesanAbstrak
Mahasiswa Membangun Desa (MMD) merupakan suatu program pengabdian masyarakat yang diselenggarakan oleh Universitas Brawijaya (UB) pada tahun 2023. Dalam pengelolaannya, program MMD UB didukung dengan teknologi yaitu layanan akademik berbasis website. Namun, dikarenakan layanan ini baru diimplementasikan dan belum pernah dilakukan pengujian dengan pihak eksternal, maka terdapat berbagai kendala selama pengimplementasiannya. Oleh karena itu, penulis melakukan evaluasi kualitas dan kesuksesan terhadap layanan akademik MMD untuk menilai sejauh mana layanan tersebut telah mencapai tujuan yang telah ditetapkan serta untuk memberi rekomendasi perbaikan yang dapat diterapkan oleh pengembang layanan tersebut. Pada penelitian ini penulis menggunakan teori Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) untuk mengukur kualitas dan teori Delone and McLean’s Model
untuk mengukur kesuksesan. Penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner untuk mengumpulkan data dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 1050 dan dibagi menjadi 2 strata, yaitu strata peserta dan strata dosen pembimbing lapangan (DPL). Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa kualitas dan kesuksesan implementasi layanan akademik MMD UB masuk ke dalam kategori tinggi. Namun, terdapat beberapa
variabel yang menjadi prioritas dalam pemberian rekomendasi perbaikan.
Azwar, S. 2012. Penyusunan Skala Psikologi (2nd ed.). Pustaka Pelajar.
Bergstrom, J. C. R., Olmsted-Hawala, E. L., Chen, J. M., & Murphy, E. D. 2011. Conducting Iterative Usability Testing on a Web Site: Challenges and Benefits. Journal of Usability Studies, 7(1), 9–30.
Cronholm, S., & Goldkuhl, G. 2003. Strategies for information systems evaluation-six generic types. Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation, 6(2), 65–74.
Davis, F. D. 1989. Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology. MIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems, 13(3), 319–339.
Gould, J. D., Boies, S. J., & Lewis, C. 1991. Making usable, useful, productivity-enhancing computer applications. Communications of the ACM, 34(1), 74–85.
Gronroos, C. 1988. Service Quality: The Six Criteria Of Good Perceived Service. Review of Business, 9(3), 10.
Hartwick, J., & Barki, H. 1994. Explaining the role of user participation in information system use. Management Science, 40(4), 440–465.
Hudin, J. M., Farlina, Y., Saputra, R. A., Gunawan, A., Pribadi, D., & Riana, D. 2019. Measuring Quality of Information System Through Delone Mclean Model in Online Information System of New Student Registration (SISFO PPDB). 2018 6th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management, CITSM 2018.
Islam, M. N., & Bouwman, H. 2016. Towards user-intuitive web interface sign design and evaluation: A semiotic framework. International Journal of Human Computer Studies, 86(August), 121–137.
Kipkorir Chirchir, L., Kipkirui Aruasa, W., & Kulei Chebon, S. 2019. Perceived Usefulness And Ease Of Use As Mediators Of The Effect Of Health Information Systems On User Performance Chief Executive Officer, Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital. European Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, 7(1), 22–37.
Liker, J. K., & Sindi, A. A. 1997. User acceptance of expert systems: A test of the theory of reasoned action. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management - JET-M, 14(2), 147–173.
Mertha, N. L. P. J. A., & Suartana, I. W. 2020. Effect Of Personal Ability, Job Training, User Involvement On AIS Performance. American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 4(5), 167–173.
Setiawan, N. 2007. Penentuan Ukuran Sampel Memakai Rumus Slovin Dan Tabel Krejcie-Morgan: Telaah Konsep Dan Aplikasinya. November.
Sudjana. 1996. Metoda Statistika (6th ed.). Tarsito.
Zhang, L., Xu, C., Ma, X., Gu, T., Hong, X., Cao, C., & Lu, J. 2012. Resynchronizing model-based self-adaptive systems with environments. Proceedings - Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, APSEC, 1, 184–193.
Azwar, S. 2012. Penyusunan Skala Psikologi (2nd ed.). Pustaka Pelajar.
Bergstrom, J. C. R., Olmsted-Hawala, E. L., Chen, J. M., & Murphy, E. D. 2011. Conducting Iterative Usability Testing on a Web Site: Challenges and Benefits. Journal of Usability Studies, 7(1), 9–30.
Cronholm, S., & Goldkuhl, G. 2003. Strategies for information systems evaluation-six generic types. Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation, 6(2), 65–74.
Davis, F. D. 1989. Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology. MIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems, 13(3), 319–339.
Gould, J. D., Boies, S. J., & Lewis, C. 1991. Making usable, useful, productivity-enhancing computer applications. Communications of the ACM, 34(1), 74–85.
Gronroos, C. 1988. Service Quality: The Six Criteria Of Good Perceived Service. Review of Business, 9(3), 10.
Hartwick, J., & Barki, H. 1994. Explaining the role of user participation in information system use. Management Science, 40(4), 440–465.
Hudin, J. M., Farlina, Y., Saputra, R. A., Gunawan, A., Pribadi, D., & Riana, D. 2019. Measuring Quality of Information System Through Delone Mclean Model in Online Information System of New Student Registration (SISFO PPDB). 2018 6th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management, CITSM 2018.
Islam, M. N., & Bouwman, H. 2016. Towards user-intuitive web interface sign design and evaluation: A semiotic framework. International Journal of Human Computer Studies, 86(August), 121–137.
Kipkorir Chirchir, L., Kipkirui Aruasa, W., & Kulei Chebon, S. 2019. Perceived Usefulness And Ease Of Use As Mediators Of The Effect Of Health Information Systems On User Performance Chief Executive Officer, Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital. European Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, 7(1), 22–37.
Liker, J. K., & Sindi, A. A. 1997. User acceptance of expert systems: A test of the theory of reasoned action. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management - JET-M, 14(2), 147–173.
Mertha, N. L. P. J. A., & Suartana, I. W. 2020. Effect Of Personal Ability, Job Training, User Involvement On AIS Performance. American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 4(5), 167–173.
Setiawan, N. 2007. Penentuan Ukuran Sampel Memakai Rumus Slovin Dan Tabel Krejcie-Morgan: Telaah Konsep Dan Aplikasinya. November.
Sudjana. 1996. Metoda Statistika (6th ed.). Tarsito.
Zhang, L., Xu, C., Ma, X., Gu, T., Hong, X., Cao, C., & Lu, J. 2012. Resynchronizing model-based self-adaptive systems with environments. Proceedings - Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, APSEC, 1, 184–193.
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