Perancangan Pengalaman Pengguna Aplikasi Mobile Perencanaan Liburan Menggunakan Metode Design Thinking
Kata Kunci:
perancangan, pengalaman pengguna, aplikasi, perencanaan liburan, design thniking, usability testAbstrak
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Adepu, S., & Adler, R. (2016). A comparison of performance and preference on mobile devices vs. desktop computers. 2016 IEEE 7th Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics & Mobile Communication Conference (UEMCON), 1–7.
Badan Pusat Statistik Indonesia. (2023). Statistik Telekomunikasi Indonesia 2022.
Cardona, J. R., Azpelicueta Criado, M. del C., & Serra Cantallops, A. (2015). The myth of paradise lost in the definition of the tourist destination. Estudios y Perspectivas en Turismo, 24(3), 697–717.
Dolnicar, S., Yanamandram, V., & Cliff, K. (2012). The contribution of vacations to quality of life. Annals of Tourism Research, 39, 59–83.
Garcia-Lopez, E., Garcia-Cabot, A., de Marcos, L., & Teixeira, A. M. (2021). An Experiment to Discover Usability Guidelines for Designing Mobile Tourist Apps. Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput., 2021, 2824632:1-2824632:12.
Garrett, J. J. (2003). The Elements of User Experience: User-centered Design for the Web. New Riders.
Gavalas, D., Konstantopoulos, C., Pantziou, G., & Vathis, N. (2019). An Efficient Heuristic for the Vacation Planning Problem. 2019 IEEE 10th Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics & Mobile Communication Conference (UEMCON), 803–808.
Hass, C. (2019). A Practical Guide to Usability Testing. Dalam M. Edmunds, C. Hass, & E. Holve (Ed.), Consumer Informatics and Digital Health: Solutions for Health and Health Care (hlm. 107–124). Springer International Publishing.
Huang, C. D., Goo, J., Nam, K., & Yoo, C. W. (2017). Smart tourism technologies in travel planning: The role of exploration and exploitation. Information & Management, 54(6), 757–770.
Jiang, Y., Han, P., & Lv, X. (2019). User Experience (UX) Design: Improving Travel Experience for Solo Travelers. 2019 International Conference on Literature, Art and Human Development (ICLAHD 2019), 35–40.
Kelly, N., & Gero, J. S. (2021). Design thinking and computational thinking: A dual process model for addressing design problems. Design Science, 7, e8.
Kim, Y., & Kim, H. (2020). Usability evaluation and improvements of mobile travel apps. International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication, 12(1), 27–36.
Lee, A., Shukhaila, S. S., Ng, E. G. W., & Fazidawaty, W. B. S. (2018). An Investigation on the Usability of Mobile Travel Guide Application: A Comparison Study. Advanced Science Letters, 24, 1012–1016.
Nawijn, J., Mitas, O., Lin, Y., & Kerstetter, D. (2013). How Do We Feel on Vacation? A Closer Look at How Emotions Change over the Course of a Trip. Journal of Travel Research, 52, 265–274.
Puspita, S. M., & Apriyanti, N. (2023). The UI/UX Design with Design Thinking Method for The University Complaint Website. Information Technology International Journal, 1(1).
Statista Research Department. (2021). Digital travel sales in the United States 2014-2021, by channel. Statista.
Adepu, S., & Adler, R. (2016). A comparison of performance and preference on mobile devices vs. desktop computers. 2016 IEEE 7th Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics & Mobile Communication Conference (UEMCON), 1–7.
Badan Pusat Statistik Indonesia. (2023). Statistik Telekomunikasi Indonesia 2022.
Cardona, J. R., Azpelicueta Criado, M. del C., & Serra Cantallops, A. (2015). The myth of paradise lost in the definition of the tourist destination. Estudios y Perspectivas en Turismo, 24(3), 697–717.
Dolnicar, S., Yanamandram, V., & Cliff, K. (2012). The contribution of vacations to quality of life. Annals of Tourism Research, 39, 59–83.
Garcia-Lopez, E., Garcia-Cabot, A., de Marcos, L., & Teixeira, A. M. (2021). An Experiment to Discover Usability Guidelines for Designing Mobile Tourist Apps. Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput., 2021, 2824632:1-2824632:12.
Garrett, J. J. (2003). The Elements of User Experience: User-centered Design for the Web. New Riders.
Gavalas, D., Konstantopoulos, C., Pantziou, G., & Vathis, N. (2019). An Efficient Heuristic for the Vacation Planning Problem. 2019 IEEE 10th Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics & Mobile Communication Conference (UEMCON), 803–808.
Hass, C. (2019). A Practical Guide to Usability Testing. Dalam M. Edmunds, C. Hass, & E. Holve (Ed.), Consumer Informatics and Digital Health: Solutions for Health and Health Care (hlm. 107–124). Springer International Publishing.
Huang, C. D., Goo, J., Nam, K., & Yoo, C. W. (2017). Smart tourism technologies in travel planning: The role of exploration and exploitation. Information & Management, 54(6), 757–770.
Jiang, Y., Han, P., & Lv, X. (2019). User Experience (UX) Design: Improving Travel Experience for Solo Travelers. 2019 International Conference on Literature, Art and Human Development (ICLAHD 2019), 35–40.
Kelly, N., & Gero, J. S. (2021). Design thinking and computational thinking: A dual process model for addressing design problems. Design Science, 7, e8.
Kim, Y., & Kim, H. (2020). Usability evaluation and improvements of mobile travel apps. International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication, 12(1), 27–36.
Lee, A., Shukhaila, S. S., Ng, E. G. W., & Fazidawaty, W. B. S. (2018). An Investigation on the Usability of Mobile Travel Guide Application: A Comparison Study. Advanced Science Letters, 24, 1012–1016.
Nawijn, J., Mitas, O., Lin, Y., & Kerstetter, D. (2013). How Do We Feel on Vacation? A Closer Look at How Emotions Change over the Course of a Trip. Journal of Travel Research, 52, 265–274.
Puspita, S. M., & Apriyanti, N. (2023). The UI/UX Design with Design Thinking Method for The University Complaint Website. Information Technology International Journal, 1(1).
Statista Research Department. (2021). Digital travel sales in the United States 2014-2021, by channel. Statista.
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