Pengembangan Aplikasi Mobile Self-care untuk Mahasiswa Berbasis Android dengan Pendekatan Gamifikasi
Kata Kunci:
Self-care, Gamifikasi, Android, Waterfall, FirebaseAbstrak
Kehidupan kampus yang identik dengan beban kerja yang berat dan berbagai tekanan akademis maupun sosial dapat berdampak pada hidup mahasiswa. Mereka rela mengabaikan kesehatan dirinya untuk memenuhi tuntutan perkuliahan. Beberapa penelitian sebelumnya juga menggarisbawahi perlunya perhatian terhadap gaya hidup mahasiswa. Meluangkan waktu untuk melakukan hal-hal yang membantu hidup dengan baik dan meningkatkan kesehatan fisik maupun kesehatan mental disebut dengan self-care atau perawatan diri. Praktek perawatan diri juga mencakup membentuk rutinitas harian yang tidak hanya mendukung kesehatan dan kesejahteraan, tetapi juga berkontribusi untuk menciptakan gaya hidup yang lebih baik. Pada penelitian ini, dilakukan pengembangan sebuah perangkat lunak untuk membantu penerapan praktek self-care dengan tujuan membentuk gaya hidup yang lebih baik. Perangkat lunak juga menerapkan gamifikasi untuk membantu pengguna termotivasi menggunakan sistem ini. Penggalian kebutuhan perangkat lunak dilakukan menggunakan kuesioner kepada 62 orang dan wawancara terhadap 5 orang dari responden kuesioner yang terpilih. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Waterfall untuk pengembangan perangkat lunak dengan tahapan elisitasi kebutuhan, perancangan, implementasi, dan pengujian. Pengembangan yang dilakukan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman kotlin untuk aplikasi native android dengan menerapkan layered architecture dan Firebase sebagai layanan back-end. Pengujian yang dilakukan mendapatkan hasil uji validasi menggunakan metode Black Box dengan keberhasilan sebesar 100 persen. Kemudian, didapatkan juga hasil uji usability dengan efisiensi aplikasi sebesar 0.06 tugas per detik, efektivitas aplikasi sebesar 90.5 persen, kepuasan menggunakan SUPR-Qm sebesar 81.9 persen, dan kepuasan penerapan gamifikasi sebesar 80 persen. Dan yang terakhir, didapatkan hasil uji compatibility pada aplikasi ini dengan kompatibilitas aplikasi dapat dijalankan pada Android versi 9 dengan API Level 28 hingga versi 15 dengan API Level 35
Beard, C., 2021. The 7 Pillars of Self-Care and How To Use Them [WWW Document]. The Blissful Mind. URL (accessed 5.14.24).
Caring for Your Mental Health [WWW Document], 2024. . National Institute of Mental Health. URL (accessed 5.14.24).
Cook-Cottone, C.P., Guyker, W.M., 2018. The Development and Validation of the Mindful Self-Care Scale (MSCS): an Assessment of Practices that Support Positive Embodiment. Mindfulness (N Y) 9, 161–175.
Deterding, S., Dixon, D., Khaled, R., Nacke, L., 2011. From game design elements to gamefulness. In: Proceedings of the 15th International Academic MindTrek Conference: Envisioning Future Media Environments. ACM, New York, NY, USA, pp. 9–15.
Elias, E.M., Bakar, H.S.A., Mahidin, N., Fang, K.J., Bakar, S.Z.A., 2020. The Relationship of Undergraduate Students’ Lifestyle and the Impact to Students’ Health. Journal of Critical Reviews 7.
Eugene, 2024. Android API Levels [WWW Document]. URL (accessed 4.24.24).
Hamari, J., Koivisto, J., Sarsa, H., 2014. Does Gamification Work? -- A Literature Review of Empirical Studies on Gamification. In: 2014 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. IEEE, pp. 3025–3034.
Mekler, E.D., Brühlmann, F., Opwis, K., Tuch, A., 2013. Disassembling gamification: The effects of points and meaning on user motivation and performance 1137–1142.
Nguyen, M., 2023. Quantify with Some Standardized Usability Tests.
Nicholson, S., 2012. A User-Centered Theoretical Framework for Meaningful Gamification. In: Games+Learning+Society 8.0.
Peterson, J.A., 2016. 10 Helpful Steps for Breaking a Bad Habit. ACSMs Health Fit J 20, 43.
Riegel, B., Dunbar, S.B., Fitzsimons, D., Freedland, K.E., Lee, C.S., Middleton, S., Stromberg, A., Vellone, E., Webber, D.E., Jaarsma, T., 2021. Self-care research: Where are we now? Where are we going? Int J Nurs Stud 116, 103402.
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Sofyana, M., Wibowo, R.A., Agustiningsih, D., 2022. Wake-up time and academic performance of university students in Indonesia: A cross-sectional study. Front Educ (Lausanne) 7.
United Nations, 2011. High-level Meeting on the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs). In: Summary Report of the Discussions at UN High-Level Meeting on NCDs . World Health Organization, New York.
Waters, R., 2022. Bad habits die hard. Dental Nursing 18, 356–357.
Watson, N.F., Badr, M.S., Belenky, G., Bliwise, D.L., Buxton, O.M., Buysse, D., Dinges, D.F., Gangwisch, J., Grandner, M.A., Kushida, C., Malhotra, R.K., Martin, J.L., Patel, S.R., Quan, S.F., Tasali, E., 2015. Recommended Amount of Sleep for a Healthy Adult: A Joint Consensus Statement of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and Sleep Research Society. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine 11, 591–592.
Werbach, K., 2014. (Re)Defining Gamification: A Process Approach. pp. 266–272.
Beard, C., 2021. The 7 Pillars of Self-Care and How To Use Them [WWW Document]. The Blissful Mind. URL (accessed 5.14.24).
Caring for Your Mental Health [WWW Document], 2024. . National Institute of Mental Health. URL (accessed 5.14.24).
Cook-Cottone, C.P., Guyker, W.M., 2018. The Development and Validation of the Mindful Self-Care Scale (MSCS): an Assessment of Practices that Support Positive Embodiment. Mindfulness (N Y) 9, 161–175.
Deterding, S., Dixon, D., Khaled, R., Nacke, L., 2011. From game design elements to gamefulness. In: Proceedings of the 15th International Academic MindTrek Conference: Envisioning Future Media Environments. ACM, New York, NY, USA, pp. 9–15.
Elias, E.M., Bakar, H.S.A., Mahidin, N., Fang, K.J., Bakar, S.Z.A., 2020. The Relationship of Undergraduate Students’ Lifestyle and the Impact to Students’ Health. Journal of Critical Reviews 7.
Eugene, 2024. Android API Levels [WWW Document]. URL (accessed 4.24.24).
Hamari, J., Koivisto, J., Sarsa, H., 2014. Does Gamification Work? -- A Literature Review of Empirical Studies on Gamification. In: 2014 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. IEEE, pp. 3025–3034.
Mekler, E.D., Brühlmann, F., Opwis, K., Tuch, A., 2013. Disassembling gamification: The effects of points and meaning on user motivation and performance 1137–1142.
Nguyen, M., 2023. Quantify with Some Standardized Usability Tests.
Nicholson, S., 2012. A User-Centered Theoretical Framework for Meaningful Gamification. In: Games+Learning+Society 8.0.
Peterson, J.A., 2016. 10 Helpful Steps for Breaking a Bad Habit. ACSMs Health Fit J 20, 43.
Riegel, B., Dunbar, S.B., Fitzsimons, D., Freedland, K.E., Lee, C.S., Middleton, S., Stromberg, A., Vellone, E., Webber, D.E., Jaarsma, T., 2021. Self-care research: Where are we now? Where are we going? Int J Nurs Stud 116, 103402.
Setiawan, R., 2021. Black Box Testing Untuk Menguji Perangkat Lunak [WWW Document]. Dicoding Blog.
Sofyana, M., Wibowo, R.A., Agustiningsih, D., 2022. Wake-up time and academic performance of university students in Indonesia: A cross-sectional study. Front Educ (Lausanne) 7.
United Nations, 2011. High-level Meeting on the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs). In: Summary Report of the Discussions at UN High-Level Meeting on NCDs . World Health Organization, New York.
Waters, R., 2022. Bad habits die hard. Dental Nursing 18, 356–357.
Watson, N.F., Badr, M.S., Belenky, G., Bliwise, D.L., Buxton, O.M., Buysse, D., Dinges, D.F., Gangwisch, J., Grandner, M.A., Kushida, C., Malhotra, R.K., Martin, J.L., Patel, S.R., Quan, S.F., Tasali, E., 2015. Recommended Amount of Sleep for a Healthy Adult: A Joint Consensus Statement of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and Sleep Research Society. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine 11, 591–592.
Werbach, K., 2014. (Re)Defining Gamification: A Process Approach. pp. 266–272.
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