Studi Eksplorasi Persepsi Early Adopter Terhadap White Paper Digital Rupiah Teori Diffusion of Innovation
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Blockchain, digital rupiah, diffusion of innovation, eksplorasi, persepsi publik, white paperAbstrak
Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) merupakan inovasi trusted money yang diterbitkan oleh bank central dan dibangun pada teknologi blockchain. Banyak negara masif melakukan pengembangan CBDC negaranya. Bank Indonesia sebagai bank central di Indonesia menerbitkan CBDC dengan nama Digital Rupiah yang nantinya digunakan oleh masyarakat sebagai alat tukar yang sah di Indonesia. CBDC sebagai suatu inovasi setelah pengembangannya tentu akan diterapkan pada masyarakat. Untuk menghindari potensi impliksai negatif dari masyarakat serta dapat diterima oleh masyarakat dengan baik. Sehingga penting adanya partisipasi publik sejak fase pengembangannya untuk melihat bagaimana pandangan mereka terhadap CBDC. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi persepsi sikap dan perilaku masyarakat Indonesia terhadap Digital Rupiah sebagai inovasi di sektor keuangan digital. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan teori Diffusion of Innovation, penelitian ini mencoba mengeksplorasi persepsi publik terhadap Digital Rupiah dari sisi inovasi serta mengidentifikasikan saluran komunikasi dari inovasi Digital Rupiah ini ke masyarakat. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara dengan narasumber early adopter pada klasifikasi user potensial dari Digital Rupiah yaitu mereka yang telah memiliki pemahaman tentang mata uang digital aset kripto dan teknologi blockchain. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa masyarakat memiliki persepsi positif terhadap keunggulan relatif dan kompatibilitas dari Digital Rupiah, serta pentingnya saluran komunikasi dari Digital Rupiah dalam adopsi Digital Rupiah.
Aamir, S., Atsan, N. & Khan, M. S., 2023. Going digital with multisided-platforms:Assessing the innovation adoption process from the perspectives of travel agents. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 0(0), pp. 1-18.
Alzoubi, H. et al., 2022. Cyber Security Threats on Digital Banking. 2022 1st International Conference on AI in Cybersecurity (ICAIC), pp. 1-4.
Assenmacher, K., Bitter, L. & Ristiniemi, A., 2023. CBDC and Business Cycle Dynamics in a New Monetarist New Keynesian Model. SSRN Electronic Journal.
Aviles, J. . A. G., 2020. The International Encyclopedia of Media Psychology. Elche: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Badan Pengawas Perdagangan Berjangka Komoditi, 2022. Kementrian Perdagangan Republik Indonesia. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 10 Agustus 2023].
Badan Supervisi Bank Indonesia, 2022. Desain Rupiah Digital Central Bank Digial Currency Indonesia dalam Upaya Mencapai Inklusi Keuangan dan Pemulihan Ekonomi, Jakarta: Badan Supervisi Bank Indonesia.
Bank for International Settlements, 2021. Central Bank Digital Currencies for Cross-Border Payments, s.l.: BIS.
Bank Indonesia, 2022. Proyek Garuda : Menavigasi Asitektur Digital Rupiah, Jakarta: Bank Indonesia.
Bank Indonesia, 2023. Proyek Garuda : Wholesale Rupiah Digital Cash Ledger, Jakarta: Bank Indonesia.
Bowler, R., Speed, C., Goodell, G. & Revans, J., 2023. A Non-Custodial Wallet for CBDC: Design Challenges and Opportunities. ArXiv, Volume 4.
Boyce, C. & Neale, P., 2006. Conducting in-depth interviews : a guide for designing and conducting in-depth interviews for evaluation input. Watertown: Pathfinder International.
Cardenas, D. S. et al., 2022. Application of DLT cybersecurity stack to TES applications for a scalable, cybersecure, and interoperable future. 2022 IEEE PES TESC, pp. 1-5.
Choi, K. et al., 2021. A Proposal for A Canadian CBDC. Banking & Insurance eJournal.
Denecker, O., d'Estience, A., Gompertz, P. M. & Sasia, E., 2022. Central bank digital currencies : An active role for commercial banks, s.l.: Mc-Kinsey & Company.
Gowda, N. & Chakwavorty, C., 2021. Comparative Study on Cryptocurrency Transaction and Banking Transaction. Global Transitions Proceedings.
Green, E. & Weber, W. E., 1996. Will the New $100 Bill Decrease Counterfeiting?, s.l.: Social Science Research Network.
Group of Central Bank, 2020. Central bank digital currencies : foundational principles and core features, s.l.: Bank for International Settlements.
He, D. et al., 2020. Security Analysis of Cryptocurrency Wallets in Android-Based Applications. IEEE Network, Volume 34, pp. 114-119.
Hoffmann, P., Monnet, C. & Ahnert, T., 2022. The digital economy, privacy, and CBDC. SSRN Electronic Journal.
Hogan, G. & Helfert, M., 2019. Transparent Cloud Privacy: Data Provenance Expression in Blockchain. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science, Volume 1, pp. 430-436.
Icon Solutions, 2022. Payments Journal. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 17 September 2023].
Latifa, F. N., Mawardi, I. & Wardhana, B., 2020. Threat of Data Theft (Phishing) Amid Trends in Fintech Users During the Covid-19 Pandemic (Study Phishing In Indonesia). Islamic Banking and Finance Journal, 4(1), p. 6.
Lee, J.-M. & Kim, H.-J., 2020. Determinants of adoption and continuance intentions toward Internet-only banks. International Journal of Bank Marketing, Volume 38, pp. 843-865.
Lupascu, C., Lupascu, A. & Bica, I., 2020. DLT Based Authentication Framework for Industrial IoT Devices. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), Volume 20.
Mandeng, O. J., 2022. The (R)evolution of money III CBDC is here, careful design needed now, s.l.: accenture.
Narendra, P., 2008. Metodologi riset komunikasi : Panduan untuk melaksanakan penelitian komunikasi. Yogyakarta: Balai Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Informasi.
Nemutanzhela, P. & Iyamu, T., 2015. Theory of Diffusion of Innovation for Analysis in Information System Studies. Science and Information Conference, pp. 603-608.
Ozili, P. K., 2023. Determinants of global interest. Digital Transformation and Society.
Ripple, 2020. The Future of CBDCs : Why All Central Banks Must Take Actionn, s.l.: Ripple.
Ripple, 2023. CBDCs : The Digital Evolution of Money - Exploring the transformation opportunities and challeges of new sovereign monies., s.l.: Ripple.
Robertson, F. A. & Samy, M., 2020. Rationales for integrated reporting adoption and factors impacting on the extent of adoption: A UK perspective. Sustainnability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, Volume 11, pp. 351-382.
Rogers, E. M., 2003. Diffusion of Innovations. 5th ed. New York: Free Press.
Rohmalia, N., Bagus, G. & Nugraha, B., 2023. Designing a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) Retail Model as a Payment System. International Conference on ICT for Smart Society (ICISS), pp. 01-06.
Sarwono, J., 2006. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif dan Kualitatif. 1st ed. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu.
Saylor, M. J., 2012. The Mobile Wave : How Mobile Intelligence Will Chance Everything. s.l.:Vanguard Press.
Sethaput, V. & Innet, S., 2021. Blockchain application for central bank digital currencies (CBDC). Cluster Computing, pp. 1-15.
Shkliar, A., 2020. The phenomenon of central banks’ digital currencies (CBDC): key attributes and implementation perspectives. Ukranian Society, 1(72), pp. 123-137.
Soderberg, G. et al., 2022. Behing the Scenes of Central Bank Digital Currency:Emerging Trends, Insight, and Policy Lessons, Washington: International Monetary Fund.
Tsai, W. et al., 2018. A Multi-Chain Model for CBDC. 2018 5th International Conference on Dependable Systems and Their Applications (DSA), pp. 25-34.
World Economic Forum, 2023. Central Bank Digital Currency Global Interoperability Principles, Geneva: World Economic Forum.
Zhang, T. & Huang, Z., 2022. Blockchain and central bank digital currency. ICT Express, 8(2), pp. 264-270.
Aamir, S., Atsan, N. & Khan, M. S., 2023. Going digital with multisided-platforms:Assessing the innovation adoption process from the perspectives of travel agents. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 0(0), pp. 1-18.
Alzoubi, H. et al., 2022. Cyber Security Threats on Digital Banking. 2022 1st International Conference on AI in Cybersecurity (ICAIC), pp. 1-4.
Assenmacher, K., Bitter, L. & Ristiniemi, A., 2023. CBDC and Business Cycle Dynamics in a New Monetarist New Keynesian Model. SSRN Electronic Journal.
Aviles, J. . A. G., 2020. The International Encyclopedia of Media Psychology. Elche: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Badan Pengawas Perdagangan Berjangka Komoditi, 2022. Kementrian Perdagangan Republik Indonesia. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 10 Agustus 2023].
Badan Supervisi Bank Indonesia, 2022. Desain Rupiah Digital Central Bank Digial Currency Indonesia dalam Upaya Mencapai Inklusi Keuangan dan Pemulihan Ekonomi, Jakarta: Badan Supervisi Bank Indonesia.
Bank for International Settlements, 2021. Central Bank Digital Currencies for Cross-Border Payments, s.l.: BIS.
Bank Indonesia, 2022. Proyek Garuda : Menavigasi Asitektur Digital Rupiah, Jakarta: Bank Indonesia.
Bank Indonesia, 2023. Proyek Garuda : Wholesale Rupiah Digital Cash Ledger, Jakarta: Bank Indonesia.
Bowler, R., Speed, C., Goodell, G. & Revans, J., 2023. A Non-Custodial Wallet for CBDC: Design Challenges and Opportunities. ArXiv, Volume 4.
Boyce, C. & Neale, P., 2006. Conducting in-depth interviews : a guide for designing and conducting in-depth interviews for evaluation input. Watertown: Pathfinder International.
Cardenas, D. S. et al., 2022. Application of DLT cybersecurity stack to TES applications for a scalable, cybersecure, and interoperable future. 2022 IEEE PES TESC, pp. 1-5.
Choi, K. et al., 2021. A Proposal for A Canadian CBDC. Banking & Insurance eJournal.
Denecker, O., d'Estience, A., Gompertz, P. M. & Sasia, E., 2022. Central bank digital currencies : An active role for commercial banks, s.l.: Mc-Kinsey & Company.
Gowda, N. & Chakwavorty, C., 2021. Comparative Study on Cryptocurrency Transaction and Banking Transaction. Global Transitions Proceedings.
Green, E. & Weber, W. E., 1996. Will the New $100 Bill Decrease Counterfeiting?, s.l.: Social Science Research Network.
Group of Central Bank, 2020. Central bank digital currencies : foundational principles and core features, s.l.: Bank for International Settlements.
He, D. et al., 2020. Security Analysis of Cryptocurrency Wallets in Android-Based Applications. IEEE Network, Volume 34, pp. 114-119.
Hoffmann, P., Monnet, C. & Ahnert, T., 2022. The digital economy, privacy, and CBDC. SSRN Electronic Journal.
Hogan, G. & Helfert, M., 2019. Transparent Cloud Privacy: Data Provenance Expression in Blockchain. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science, Volume 1, pp. 430-436.
Icon Solutions, 2022. Payments Journal. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 17 September 2023].
Latifa, F. N., Mawardi, I. & Wardhana, B., 2020. Threat of Data Theft (Phishing) Amid Trends in Fintech Users During the Covid-19 Pandemic (Study Phishing In Indonesia). Islamic Banking and Finance Journal, 4(1), p. 6.
Lee, J.-M. & Kim, H.-J., 2020. Determinants of adoption and continuance intentions toward Internet-only banks. International Journal of Bank Marketing, Volume 38, pp. 843-865.
Lupascu, C., Lupascu, A. & Bica, I., 2020. DLT Based Authentication Framework for Industrial IoT Devices. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), Volume 20.
Mandeng, O. J., 2022. The (R)evolution of money III CBDC is here, careful design needed now, s.l.: accenture.
Narendra, P., 2008. Metodologi riset komunikasi : Panduan untuk melaksanakan penelitian komunikasi. Yogyakarta: Balai Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Informasi.
Nemutanzhela, P. & Iyamu, T., 2015. Theory of Diffusion of Innovation for Analysis in Information System Studies. Science and Information Conference, pp. 603-608.
Ozili, P. K., 2023. Determinants of global interest. Digital Transformation and Society.
Ripple, 2020. The Future of CBDCs : Why All Central Banks Must Take Actionn, s.l.: Ripple.
Ripple, 2023. CBDCs : The Digital Evolution of Money - Exploring the transformation opportunities and challeges of new sovereign monies., s.l.: Ripple.
Robertson, F. A. & Samy, M., 2020. Rationales for integrated reporting adoption and factors impacting on the extent of adoption: A UK perspective. Sustainnability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, Volume 11, pp. 351-382.
Rogers, E. M., 2003. Diffusion of Innovations. 5th ed. New York: Free Press.
Rohmalia, N., Bagus, G. & Nugraha, B., 2023. Designing a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) Retail Model as a Payment System. International Conference on ICT for Smart Society (ICISS), pp. 01-06.
Sarwono, J., 2006. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif dan Kualitatif. 1st ed. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu.
Saylor, M. J., 2012. The Mobile Wave : How Mobile Intelligence Will Chance Everything. s.l.:Vanguard Press.
Sethaput, V. & Innet, S., 2021. Blockchain application for central bank digital currencies (CBDC). Cluster Computing, pp. 1-15.
Shkliar, A., 2020. The phenomenon of central banks’ digital currencies (CBDC): key attributes and implementation perspectives. Ukranian Society, 1(72), pp. 123-137.
Soderberg, G. et al., 2022. Behing the Scenes of Central Bank Digital Currency:Emerging Trends, Insight, and Policy Lessons, Washington: International Monetary Fund.
Tsai, W. et al., 2018. A Multi-Chain Model for CBDC. 2018 5th International Conference on Dependable Systems and Their Applications (DSA), pp. 25-34.
World Economic Forum, 2023. Central Bank Digital Currency Global Interoperability Principles, Geneva: World Economic Forum.
Zhang, T. & Huang, Z., 2022. Blockchain and central bank digital currency. ICT Express, 8(2), pp. 264-270.
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