Implementasi Collaborative Mindmapping dalam Lingkungan Pembelajaran Berbasis Spherical Video-Based Virtual Reality (SVVR) Two-tier Feedback Pada Siswa SMK Negeri 3 Batu
Kata Kunci:
collaborative mindmapping, hasil belajar, konsep abstrak, SVVR, two-tier feedbackAbstrak
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kebutuhan pendekatan inovatif untuk membantu siswa memahami konsep abstrak serta strategi instruksional yang efektif dalam pembelajaran berbasis Spherical Video-based Virtual Reality (SVVR) two-tier feedback. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengeksplorasi efektivitas collaborative mindmapping dalam pembelajaran SVVR two-tier feedback pada mata pelajaran Teknik Jaringan Komputer dan Telekomunikasi (TJKT) di SMK Negeri 3 Batu. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain Quasi-Experimental dengan dua kelompok, kelompok kontrol menggunakan SVVR two-tier feedback tanpa collaborative mindmapping dan kelompok eksperimen menggunakan SVVR two-tier feedback dengan collaborative mindmapping. Data diperoleh melalui tes hasil belajar dan wawancara siswa. Hasil analisis menunjukkan kelompok eksperimen memiliki hasil belajar lebih tinggi dibandingkan kontrol, dengan selisih rata-rata 15,835%. Penelitian ini menyarankan pendidik mengintegrasikan teknologi SVVR dengan collaborative mindmapping untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa, khususnya pada materi yang abstrak.
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Chien, S.-Y. dan Hwang, G.-J., 2022. A question, observation, and organisation-based SVVR approach to enhancing students’ presentation performance, classroom engagement, and technology acceptance in a cultural course. British Journal of Educational Technology, [daring] 53(2), pp.229–247.
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Hwang, G.-J., Chen, Y.-T. dan Chien, S.-Y., 2024. A concept map-based community of inquiry framework for virtual learning contexts to enhance students’ earth science learning achievement and reflection tendency. Education and Information Technologies. [daring]
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Wang, Y., Luo, X., Liu, C.-C., Tu, Y.-F. dan Wang, N., 2022. An Integrated Automatic Writing Evaluation and SVVR Approach to Improve Students’ EFL Writing Performance. Sustainability, 14(18), p.11586.
Young, G., Stehle, S., Yazgı, B. dan Tiri, E., 2020. Exploring Virtual Reality in the Higher Education Classroom: Using VR to Build Knowledge and Understanding. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 26, pp.904–928.
Zheng, X., Johnson, T.E. dan Zhou, C., 2020. A pilot study examining the impact of collaborative mind mapping strategy in a flipped classroom: learning achievement, self-efficacy, motivation, and students’ acceptance. Educational Technology Research and Development, [daring] 68(6), pp.3527–3545.
Zinchenko, Y.P., Khoroshikh, P.P., Sergievich, A.A., Smirnov, A.S., Tumyalis, A. V, Kovalev, A.I., Gutnikov, S.A. dan Golokhvast, K.S., 2020. Virtual reality is more efficient in learning human heart anatomy especially for subjects with low baseline knowledge. New Ideas in Psychology, [daring] 59, p.100786.
Chang, S.-C., Hsu, T.-C. dan Jong, M.S.-Y., 2020. Integration of the peer assessment approach with a virtual reality design system for learning earth science. Computers & Education, [daring] 146, p.103758.
Chang, S.-C., Hsu, T.-C., Kuo, W.-C. dan Jong, M.S.-Y., 2020. Effects of applying a VR-based two-tier test strategy to promote elementary students’ learning performance in a Geology class. British Journal of Educational Technology, [daring] 51(1), pp.148–165.
Chien, S.-Y. dan Hwang, G.-J., 2022. A question, observation, and organisation-based SVVR approach to enhancing students’ presentation performance, classroom engagement, and technology acceptance in a cultural course. British Journal of Educational Technology, [daring] 53(2), pp.229–247.
Creswell, J. dan Guetterman, T., 2018. Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research, 6th Edition. 6th ed.
Fung, D. dan Liang, T., 2022. The Effectiveness of Collaborative Mind Mapping in Hong Kong Primary Science Classrooms. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. [daring]
Hwang, G.-J., Chen, Y.-T. dan Chien, S.-Y., 2024. A concept map-based community of inquiry framework for virtual learning contexts to enhance students’ earth science learning achievement and reflection tendency. Education and Information Technologies. [daring]
Liu, R., Wang, L., Lei, J., Wang, Q. dan Ren, Y., 2020. Effects of an immersive virtual reality-based classroom on students’ learning performance in science lessons. British Journal of Educational Technology, [daring] 51(6), pp.2034–2049.
Rupp, M.A., Odette, K.L., Kozachuk, J., Michaelis, J.R., Smither, J.A. dan McConnell, D.S., 2019. Investigating learning outcomes and subjective experiences in 360-degree videos. Computers & Education, [daring] 128, pp.256–268.
Wang, Y., Luo, X., Liu, C.-C., Tu, Y.-F. dan Wang, N., 2022. An Integrated Automatic Writing Evaluation and SVVR Approach to Improve Students’ EFL Writing Performance. Sustainability, 14(18), p.11586.
Young, G., Stehle, S., Yazgı, B. dan Tiri, E., 2020. Exploring Virtual Reality in the Higher Education Classroom: Using VR to Build Knowledge and Understanding. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 26, pp.904–928.
Zheng, X., Johnson, T.E. dan Zhou, C., 2020. A pilot study examining the impact of collaborative mind mapping strategy in a flipped classroom: learning achievement, self-efficacy, motivation, and students’ acceptance. Educational Technology Research and Development, [daring] 68(6), pp.3527–3545.
Zinchenko, Y.P., Khoroshikh, P.P., Sergievich, A.A., Smirnov, A.S., Tumyalis, A. V, Kovalev, A.I., Gutnikov, S.A. dan Golokhvast, K.S., 2020. Virtual reality is more efficient in learning human heart anatomy especially for subjects with low baseline knowledge. New Ideas in Psychology, [daring] 59, p.100786.
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